Friday, April 26, 2013

It's Finally (Almost) Summer!

Summer break cannot get here fast enough. Although I'll be taking summer classes, I'll be in class a lot less than I am now. Once summer classes end, I'll be flying out to Los Angeles for a week or so to visit my family. At the end of that week, my boyfriend will drive to Los Angeles and pick me up. We will then take a road trip up the Pacific coast to Seattle, Washington. We plan to stop in San Francisco, where we will spend the night and then finish the drive to Seattle the next day.

We are both looking forward to this trip. If we end up liking Seattle (which we're both pretty sure we'll love it), we plan to move there in a few years. So we're looking forward to exploring the Seattle area for a few days and Washington state as a whole. If we really wanted to save money, we could fly to Seattle, but that would keep us from seeing the whole Pacific coast.
Here's an idea of what California's central coast looks like. Awesome, right? (source)
And the Oregon coast. So pretty! (source)

Last but not least, the Washington Coast. Looking at all these beautiful pictures makes me so excited for this summer. (source)

Visiting Washington should be a lot of fun. I love travel and by driving to Washington instead of flying, I'll be visiting a lot of new places I've never been before.

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